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Saturday, February 21, 2009

J.D. Salinger's [Catcher in the Rye]

"Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them - if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry." ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 24, spoken by the character Mr. Antolini.

"Well I read this story on a limb-and I dont know man? as I read it,I was sort of like I kept looking for the big bang. I was so sure there would be a big bang-a big life altering big bang somewhere-I even believed it would happen in the last 2 pages. Maybe a death or SOMETHING. But nothing happened, this novel although proclaimed by many book critics and much of society(see,HS/College English course) as one of the most brilliant written pieces of the 20th century as more or less NOT what I thought it would be. Lets just say dont believe the hype. I mean the book had alot of undertones but one thing I loved were the phrases "helluva" ,'phonies" "that killed me" and of course "necking." Ah if i took one thing away from this novel was the phrases of the 1940s. Pretty limited though they were appeared throughout the novel more then the word "Jesus" in the bible. Holden is a very complex character-he does not seem to like ANYTHING. Old Phoebe was right on for a 10 year old. Her analysis of her brother couldn't be anymore right on. I mean, it is only then that Salinger tells us WHY IN THE HELL or WHAT THE HELL the books title has to do with any of the events that occur during Holden's 3 day hideaway. But of course I only find out what I been wondering at the very end of the book. But hey for some reason as complex as this story was I do admit it was a good read. I took away alot-especially these two things(the qoute above by Mr.Antonoli) and that what Holden feels people do well as he eleqountly puts it and I qoute"People always ruined everything for you!"
My response to this is "RIGHT ON HOLDEN, THAT THEY DO"

Holden's 3 day stint is merely a a head on collision of personal interactions with some people from his life that have molded or swayed him into the rebellious adolescent he is at the present time. From my understanding, my critical assesment of all these players is that they all are :ALL PHONY! It seems the only two people Holden can tolerate are his kid sis Phoebe and his dead brother Allie-or the idea and memories of Allie. Quite complex character-almost everything bothers him to an extent- I mean I totally agree with him on the whole movie thing. I too am not a big fan-it's not that im not a movie fan, I just think I haven't found real acting-similar to Holden to thinks actors are phonies(with the exclusion of the Lunts). Ok so after trailing me on for about 275 pages, I just thought ol Holden would find himself dead or big heap of trouble but all in all after all that talk about heading West and beginining some one man quest for happiness and independence he does none of it and heads back home. He even decides to start school in September. Although I do condone his choice for another shot at his education, I do not get what the whole rebellious nature and running away and going through the complexities of his 3day stint was all about? I mean I guess he needed that release-he needed to see what was out there before he e realized maybe he did have it good. Maybe he was complaining and taking his education for granted. His opportunities and all. Being all depressed.He is lonely throughout the entire novel-scared of adulthood(hence he wants to catch all the little kids before they get swamped into adulthood)- I mean everything depressed this kid. One thing I did site with was knowing the fact that some people will never know what it feels to dine in at fancy restaurants- boy did that depress the hell out of me too! I just hate knowing that. UGH! Well I mean you got to experience Pain before you know what happiness is. And at the end of his 3day saga as Holden sits watching Phoebe on the caroussels all drenched in rain and just right there is where he claims this sudden happiness(almost the only time in the whole story he is happy too!) occurs. LONG BEHOLD, the unthinkable, the impossible has occured. Holden is happy? Of course this sudden happiness is the kind, I feel, only comes after you experience a whirlwind of depression,unease,unhappinness, and confusion. All things little ol Holden experiences leading up to what I believe is the BIG BANG. He realizes right then that he can turn it around-truly-we all can...But at the time you dont believe it is so because you rather be dull and sulk not knowing the unknown. But the moment you go through the ups...a pattern of downs-all in consecutive order-is when a sudden cloud is lifted a sudden feeling of happiness occurs. CASE IN POINT.

GO READ THIS BOOK- It is a classic- but you will only think so if you read the words on the page but see that they mean something completely different then what it is written.

Friday, February 20, 2009


WHO WANTS TO JOIN? Ok, it wasn't MY IDEA perse but I want to start a book May 2009 I have an idea to launch a book name yet, no clear and set idea of how to start it...but IM JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW WITH THIS


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meg Cabot's [Queen of the Babble]

"And thats just fine. I mean,there have been plenty of people who have had perfectly happy,fulfilled lives without a signficiant other. I cant think of any right now. But I'm sure there have been. I'll just be like one of them. I'll just be Lizzie...alone." freckin' ironic that the first book I decide to pick out and read would be the one that is utterly believable and coincides with no other then THEE. It's quite true, Lizzie shows so much potential you cant help but feel sorry for her-very generous, gullible, and sees the beauty in all men while still telling herself they are all the same. BUT GOSH SHE IS indeedly talkative. She does not know how to keep ONE secret. This girl cannot keep her mouth shut she just babbles and babbles hence the title of the book and her throne(see title Queen of the Babble). Dear lord this sounds like someone I know, as tu madre puts it "gosh suk, suk tevelti dough?! Meshtir ley tefetel"

So without giving the entire contents of the novel away Id like to get to the review---(I mean everyone does have the option of dragging their cursor the right and clicking the big red X bar to exit if you feel this is giving TOO much.

This coming of age story follows Elizabeth Nichols BKA Lizzie or Liz(only by Andrew though) in a whirlwind of adventures as she falls in and out of love with men, fashion, trust, and confidence. Lizzie a newly graduate of University of Michigan, or is she a newly graduate? Well the unsureness of her collegate status comes from her absentmindness which causes her to fail to turn in her thesis which doesnt allow her to recieve her degree. Sadly she does not realize this until her graduation party and going away party when her advisor comes to tell her. At the same time Lizzie is slated to go visit her boyfriend of 3 monthes, or 24hrs in England. Will she stay back in Ann Arbor and finish her thesis? Or will she hop on the next flight to England to visit the love of her life Andrew who may have caused her to not turn in her thesis. Yea, you guessed it-love conquers all and of course Lizzie goes to England..and the minute she hops out of the plane things go haywire. Lets just say as I truly believe nowadays "you think you have someone figured out-but you really dont and they suprise the shit out of you". Mr. Boyfriend Andrew, isn't what he is cut out to be as, Lizzie has this whole fairytale mr.perfect teach unfortunate kids and the ideal gentleman imaginary person all painted in her head and finds herself in turmoil when he is nothing more then a poor, greedy gambling governemnt welfare fruad! One thing leads to the next and she finds herself on a train to france..What happens something you will find when you go READ it for yourself!

I recommend this book to anyone who wants a quick laugh, and just when I think I can't relate to anyone Meg Cabot tries to go and prove me wrong! Cabot's main character Lizzie-lord! Where do I start with this chick without giving away the entire story? Well lets just say she is a force to be reckon with. I often wonder if I will ever find someone sorta almost JUST like me? Well although we arent dead on clones we do share alot of similair qualities. No need to list them all( me and Lizzie both know) She definately second guesses everything she does, FALLS pretty FAST for every hot shot that comes her way, and makes excuses for every flaw she sees in her latest infatuation!

OK, I will be honest with you, it took me 29 pages before I FELL IN LOVE WITH LIZZIE. Dont get me wrong the first 29 pages werent a skim and turn the page quickly before I drool -it just started a bit blah-I mean for instance Lizzie just kept blabbing, its like hey can I sorta make inferences for myself? why is everything being told to me? But I did forget Lizzie, also known as LBS( Lizzie Broadcasting System) is known for going on and on(energizer bunny much-its like once you give her an inch she takes the mile). And if you are not very patient you might just put the book down and say the HELL?! But...................

Cabot almost on que sways you with the 29th page when BAM! Uh oh..things take a turn for the worst( DONT WORRY-not for you the reader) but for Miss. Blabber Mouth Nichols herself! This is when Lizzie faces something I truly fear within my whole undergraduate career!!!! Oh of course besides flunking out the next worst thing if not THE most worst thing is to find out you really didnt graduate because you forgot to turn in your senior thesis- I mean if that isn't the worst thing imagine your advisor coming to tell you at YOUR OWN GRADUATION PARTY ---you know the same one all your relatives are at praising you on becoming the "first graduate in the family"---Yea, Imagine that huh? Ok who would really want to? Well things just dont there for Elizabeth, well as her friends prefer Lizzie, and the rotten brit Andy preferes Liz!!

Ok, I do have a few questions, even im not this dumb--or actually in a sense I can be in the name of love..but really, who uses there whole savings to fly to England to go visit a boyfriend who previously 3 monthes prior to the visit you had only spent 24hrs with? And how does he recieve such a title? WELL damn it happens ...even to the need to go on...REALLY!

Thats what makes ol' Lizzie so relatable...oh that and gosh can like the Luke thing hurry and happen? It does in my dreams every SO..SO..SO...SO OFTEN! I mean everytime I hope on a plane I only pray I get a seat with a complete hottie, and this is how I knew I was meant to read this book..LUKE had to be from Houston! oh really Meg? how did you know? It possibly can't be mere coincidence? Or maybe---If you knew what boils in my mind, although I dont care to share such contents with anyone except for my soulmate..ok Im rambling...gosh Lizzie has such a potent effect on me already.

Ok,so as I am browsing the WWW..I find there is a sequel and a super sequel and that Queen of the Babble is actually a series-AHHHHHH(Screams)-ok , so Meg Cabot is a God-because I finish Q.O.T.B(Queen of the Babble-acroynonms just made my life easier!) I felt sorta empty like "um what so thats it? I WANT MORE I WANT MORE!! and Meg Cabot again reads my mind--and so I will be heading to the library this weekend to pick up Queen of the Babble in the City to find out what happens when Meg and Luke , Shari and Chaz embark on a life in NY CITY! Soo a review of Q.O.T.B in the city coming soon-!


Highlight of the day:

song of the day: Neyo , Mad